On 03/09/2016 09:19 AM, Jeroen Massar wrote:
> On 2016-03-09 08:38, Grosser Stefan wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> ....
>> I would like to know how spoofable Switzerland's ISP/Netowrks are. It
>> would be very nice if some of you Swinogers would participate in my
>> survey.
> VERY spoofable.
> Which is why nobody really dares to talk about it likely as it is a huge
> infrastructure problem that ISPs do not want to invest in to resolve.
> Noting that some hardware does not allow an ISP to do proper BCP38
> either (even though people have been whining at Cisco and the likes for
> about a decade), but it is ridiculous that the edge does not filter
> simply on source prefixes.
> The bigger problem than hardware is simply that many ISPs do not
> understand why BCP38/SAVE is important to implement.

Thank your for your feedback. As expected I didn't get much responses to
my survey. I have to assume many would hit the " No, and I don't
care"-radio button answer... :/

But: it's not too late to answer the survey: http://goo.gl/forms/Od94HExA1d
> but you are in luck, CAIDA recently took over the Spoofer project with a
> grant from the US government. And they are nicely going to publish and
> name and shame spoofable networks, please see:
> http://blog.caida.org/best_available_data/2015/05/28/caida-takes-over-stewardship-of-spoofer-project-infrastructure/
> and the main website http://spoofer.caida.org/
> I suggest you contact KC Claffy for details about Switzerland ;)

I was already in touch with KC Claffy and Robert Beverly - nice guys! I
linked their project at the end of my survey - I hoped somebody will run
their tool to submit some statistics.

Have a nice week!


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