> > Now the users think their mails have been succesfully delivered
> > because they won't receive a bounce mail until the mail expires
> > in the queue (1 week). Quite frankly, that sucks.

Uhm, normally they should get warning mails in between, unless
you have changed common settings? At least that would be the
behavior with sendmail.

> > ~  451 Your mailserver has been blocked, please see
> This is not correct.  A 4xx error will keep the mail in the queue
> until it expires (just like blocking smtp connections).  What you
> want is an 5xx answer for an immediate bounce to the user.

Yes and no... I actually deliberately return 4xx errors for my
(temporarily!) blocked addresses, because I do want servers to 
retry submission (if the sender actually does use a normal,
queuing MTA, and not just a bulkmailer that will treat 4xx just like
5xx). Also, I find an odd kind of satisfaction to know that open
3rd party relays will then pile up SPAM :)

If you reject your peer at the beginning, and if you have some 
rate-limiting per client on your mail server (I recommend both),
they can try to hit you hard and it won't hurt that much (and you
do tie up some of their resources, which they then can't use to 
spam someone else at the same time).

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