On Thu, 2004-12-02 at 19:31 +0100, Andre Oppermann wrote:
> Have a look at what I wrote on NANOG.  It applies perfectly well to
> Switzerland too.
> If all ISP's in Switzerland (or at least the large ones) would put MTAMARK
> (default) records into their reverse zones we would have solved the entire
> SMTP zombie problem.
> What do you think?

I quite like it, I might say.

They could even double it up; check the IP for this DNS mark record but
also have a:

_send._smtp._srv.smtp-out.example.org.   IN TXT   "1"
_send._smtp._srv.*.example.org.          IN TXT   "0"

Then _send._smtp.<ip>.in-addr.arpa/ip6.arpa must be "1" _and_ the EHLO
name must be "1" too, otherwise this hostname should not be used for
sending mail either

There is one minor problem though for folks who get a DSL line etc, but
no control over the reverse though... as they are then locked-in by the
ISP that controls their reverse. Then again, submission helps out here.


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