As Arnie Coro explained to me, a prerequisite for his coming to speak at the SWLFest is his receiving a formal letter of invitation from a bona fide organization in the U.S. inviting him to a speaking engagement. In other words, he'd need formal letter of invitation from an 'Organizational Sponsor' that meets with the approval of his employer--the Cuban government.

Separately, I was told that NASWA would not provide a formal letter of invitation offering to be Arnie's Organizational Sponsor. I don't know what criteria the Cuban government uses to determine acceptability of an Organizational Sponsor (it's probably subjective) or if NASWA would've met those criteria anyway.

As I mentioned earlier, my most recent attempt to find a Organizational Sponsor was with the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg School for Communication, which seemed likely to meet with the approval of the Cuban Government because its academic reputation would complement Mr. Coro's history as a Professor of Broadcasting at the University of Havana. So it seemed like a good match to have Arnie scheduled to speak there the same week as the SWLFest, and tangentially he could be brought to nearby Plymouth Meeting to informally meet up with some old radio friends ;-)

After some back-and-forth inquiries and negotiation through my contact, a tenured Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, a sticking point of an apparently geopolitical nature arose--not from my contact, but from Penn administration bureaucrats. Subsequently, my Penn contact left to teach at another university.

If anyone knows a faculty member or administration staffer at a university in the greater Philadelphia region who'd be willing and able to lobby their institution to be an Organizational Sponsor for Arnie Coro to speak there on the same week as a forthcoming SWLFest, and write a formal letter of invitation to Arnie Coro for his government to review, and if it seems that Institution would likely meet with the approval of the Cuban government, please let me know and I'll provide more details on how I this can be made to work. For years I've been asking around about a suitable local Organizational Sponsor, and nobody has offered a realistic proposal. You'd think this would be easier, but for a number of frustrating reasons it's not.

The financial resources needed to pay for Arnie's travel expenses to the SWLFest are available, notwithstanding fickle U.S. foreign policy complicating both travel and the legal transfer of funds to Cuba for that purpose. Perhaps in 2021 the geopolitical winds of change will blow in a more progressive direction. The goal to bring Arnie Coro to speak at the SWLFest has long been a moving target.

As for this year's virtual SWLFest, Sheldon Harvey noted below that Arnie recently told him the Cuban government does not allow access to Zoom meetings--the specific medium chosen for this year's SWLFest. So any suggestion that Arnie could call into one of Zoom's telephone numbers to access the 'phone' channel of the SWLFest Zoom meeting seems unworkable, as that would still constitute access to a Zoom meeting which is disallowed in Cuba.


At 07:51 AM 1/22/2021, Richard Cuff wrote:

For what it's worth, I don't believe either John or I have ever received personal correspondence from Mr. Coro. The Fest website, which has contact information available, would be a vehicle that Mr. Coro could use to reach out to us if he's interested.

Ed is correct -- Zoom does allow participation via a phone call for an audio-only experience; if someone were to participate that way and -- during the relevant time of a session -- wish to ask a question, they could contact me (or whomever is acting in the host capacity at that thime) and open up their audio for the question.


On Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 3:01 PM Ed Cummings <<>> wrote: While the Cuban government's internet firewall probably blocks access to Zoom's servers, it might not block phone calls to Zoom's many telephone numbers set up to allow people to participate via audio only. But obviously Arnie isn't going to violate the laws of his government to do that. Sometimes some of us in North America take our freedoms for granted and assume other global citizens enjoy the same freedoms.
At 02:42 PM 1/18/2021, Sheldon Harvey wrote:

I had correspondence from Anrie Coro last week. He told me that the Cuban government does not allow access to Zoom meetings. Our club (CIDX) has monthly meetings on Zoom and Arnie gets a complimentary copy of our bulletin each month. He received the invitation to our January meeting, but responded saying that he is unable to access Zoom
Sheldon Harvey
Greenfield Park, Quebec
Enjoy birds and birdwatching?
On Monday, January 18, 2021, 2:08:44 p.m. EST, Mano Guha <<>> wrote:
I will reach out to him after the 20th.
Mostly Receiving

On Jan 17, 2021, at 15:08, Ed Cummings <<>> wrote:  That is my hope as well, Mano! Interestingly, last week VOA reported the current U.S. administration redesignated Cuba as a "state sponsor of terrorism" just 9 days before the end of that administration. So that's an additional hurdle to overcome in order to get Arnie Coro to come and speak at the SWLFest. <> My guess is that Arnie is now an octogenarian, and (as with all of us) time is running out...
At 01:56 PM 1/17/2021, Mano Guha wrote:

I for one would love to welcome Arnie Coro to the SWL Fest via Zoom. Many years ago, he facilitated my visit to Radio Havana which was a memorable one. With the changing political landscape, we should be able to invite him to the fest in the coming years.
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