How about an annual George Zeller Pirate Listener of the Year Award at the
Fest ?

On Fri, Mar 26, 2021, 5:47 PM <>

> I am going to miss his antics at the banquet. The goggles with the
> windshield wipers, the "cheezy" hat. And his reading of the headlines from
> the Intercource News. Whenever my wife tells me to "act my age" whatever
> that means, I pull out some of my photos from past SWL-Fest banquets,
> featuring George in full regalia and of course the scanner scum in their
> tin foil hats. Her eye roll is deafening. Any way he will sorely missed.
> ---------- Original Message ----------
> From: John Figliozzi <>
> To:, Discussion list for the Winter SWL Fest <
> Subject: [Swlfest] George Zeller RIP
> Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2021 19:54:30 -0400
> A couple of notes about George…
> I always looked forward to reading his e-mails.  There was a certain
> “Jean Shepherd†-like air to them.  They would start with the topic at
> hand, but then meander all over the place.  If the subject was
> radio-related, they would start there but maybe then make some reference to
> a political or economic matter or a story bout a community like
> Intercourse, PA or Tomatotown, OH that seemed to have nothing to do with
> radio.  If the subject, as it often could be, was Ohio’s economic
> situation, you could count on a reference to our DXing world, its
> personalities, maybe a piece of equipment or some radio history — again
> seemingly not at all germane to the original topic.
> But, like Mr. Shepherd, all was and always would be tied up nice and
> neatly with the last sentence or two.  How he got there, I never knew.  But
> in the end it always made sense (especially to George) and never failed to
> entertain.
> My second remembrance is as a privileged part of his “act†as master of
> ceremonies at the Winterfest raffle and other radio-related festivities.
> The cheesehead, the googles, the little Pancho doll, the Barto Bag, the
> Barto Box — all of it developed over time, like the act of most great
> stand-up comedians.  But a little note about the goggles:  George could see
> very little through them.  As Rich, Alan and I would carry up prizes and
> the prize winning tickets to George, we usually had to tell him what he had
> and whose name—or number or ham call sign-- was on the ticket.  And then
> it was off to the races — usually like the Marx Brothers’ day at the
> races full of non-sequiturs, inside jokes (which we all were a part of) and
> various foolishness.   But the goggles were an integral part of the act and
> they were not coming off until the last prize was awarded.  At least when
> they worked, he got sort of a head massage out of them.
> I came to understand over time that George possessed a certain amount of
> stage fright or at least some serious misgivings about being an MC.  Yet,
> you’d never know it to watch him both metaphorically waltz magnificently
> and then trip over his own feet — sometimes simultaneously and always on
> purpose.
> George was an immensely intelligent man who was always willing to play the
> fool if he could entertain his friends.  Despite those misgivings about
> being an MC — he seemed so unnerved at times that he was almost to the
> point of exhaustion by the end — he never let us down when we asked.  He
> could talk passionately about economics using terms and discussing theories
> that only the most learned could understand and then perform slapstick
> comedy a few seconds later.
> We’re all going to badly miss George.  I know I am.  I can picture him
> explaining the Ohio economic situation, using DXing terms, with the
> Almighty, who will just give him a free pass.
> John Figliozzi
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