On Jan 27, 2008 9:22 AM, Chris Little <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have some pretty cool documents.. starting with the new Catechism of the
> > Catholic Church (in spanish), but before that (although not necessary) I
> > thought it would be nice to have a Catholic Bible.
> Is the CCC copyrighted? I've had an OSIS document of the CCC in English
> for a few years, but I assumed I wasn't distributing it because it was
> copyrighted. Am I confused? (Maybe you're just preparing your own module
> for personal use, so it's not any concern to you personally, but if you
> happen to know the situation, please let us know. Is the copyright
> holder fairly permissive?)
> > A second oops is that the GBF to OSIS converter assumes everything has KJV
> > versioning, but this Bible has mixed numbers (4a 4b, 4c , etc) I don't 
> > suppose
> > sword accepts such verse numbers so I sort of worked around it.
> Sword will take sub-verse references (properly encoded) in an OSIS
> document. It will preserve them. It has the potential to display them.
> Doing lookups based on them is not a likely future feature.
> I think using GBF as a stepping stone to OSIS is really the error here.
> I'm not sure which GBF to OSIS converter you're using, but they probably
> all assume the system used in the canonical GBF documents (WEB, HNV, &
> ASV), which don't use any sub-verse references. If you want a really
> good OSIS document, you really have to target OSIS from the start.
> > I am not sure
> > how to handle the references to the Vulgata in the Psalms either.
> I'm not familiar with what the issue is here. Is it that you want to
> reference another work (e.g. within an Italian Bible, you want to
> reference a passage specific to the Vulgata)? To do that, you just need
> to add a workID to the beginning of the osisRef. E.g., instead of just
> Ps.1.1, you would specify Vulg:Ps.1.1, where "Vulg" is declared in the
> OSIS header. (This won't have much affect on Sword, since I don't think
> our system for linking to specific other modules is quite fleshed out
> yet--much less implemented.)

The issue here is that the Vulgate has some Psalms which the KJV has
split that it lumps together and others which the KJV lumps together
split up, and there's an additional Psalm as well.  It's very similar
to the situation in which Esther and Daniel find themselves in the
Catholic form the canon.

> > BTW is OSIS
> > dead? The techie forum doesn't seem to work at all.
> Active maintenance of a lot of webpages has fallen lately, but there are
> quite a few people and organizations working with OSIS.
> --Chris
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As to the devotional and prayer book based on the church year, it
seems that would be exceedingly complicated for the Sword engine to
implement.  Some of the church year is based off of the lunar calendar
(Lent, Easter, Eastertide, Pentecost), parts of it on the Gregorian
calendar (Advent, Christmas, Epiphany), and the intervening parts are
determined by both (Normal Time, Christmastide).  Probably the best
thing to do is re-issue your module annually, as was suggested, or
work directly with a front-end developer who would have easier access
to the operating system's date time features, and they could read off
your module keys as required.

For the daily devotional, I believe you construct it as a
lexicon/dictionary.  The key structure was explained by someone else
as being mm.dd.  Then you have to label it in the module's .conf file
as a Daily Devotional, and each front end will handle it as it sees


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