
On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 4:41 PM, Luke Plant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thursday 27 March 2008 17:10:35 jonathon wrote:
>  > On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 10:36 AM, Luke Plant  wrote:
>  > >  I'm not done, and I've realised I could use some help in filling
>  > > it out with actual Bible verses.  The main help I'm looking for
>  > > is  verses to be added to the YAML
>  >
>  > I'd suggest creating small "sets" of verses that users can install.
>  >
>  > People feel much more confident that they can memorize verses, if
>  > they can see that they've memorized all of the verses used in "The
>  > Four Spiritual Laws", or "The Roman Road".   Then they will tackle
>  > large sets, such as Navigators Topical Memory System.
>  Thanks for the suggestions, I have added the verses from "The Four
>  Spiritual Laws" and "Two ways to live".  Thanks David also for the
>  Navigators link.
>  I'm planning on adding a system for the user to simply tick off verses
>  that have been learnt, using AJAX to store it on the server -- that
>  should also help in giving a sense of progress.

Of course you'd have to store lots of data for the user, etc including
registration information, etc.  You might do better to store it in a
cookie on the client side, and restore from the local data.  As for
AJAX frameworks, I've had good luck with using the GWT (Google Web
Toolkit) for doing heavy-lifting on the client side.  Google even
claims there is a client-side portion of the library that handles XML
parsing, etc.  You can do some impressive things with it, and it's
designed to integrate with a Java/Servlet back end (reminds me that I
promised to write up a chat room for Troy - I'll do it this weekend, I
promise! Classes have been a doosey this week with both of them having
their big projects due).

I'm not sure of the storage limits of cookies, but I would imagine
that maintaining the user's data as far as the basic information about
their progress wouldn't be difficult.


>  Regards,
>  Luke
>  --
>  "I washed a sock. Then I put it in the dryer. When I took it out, it
>  was gone."  (Steven Wright)
>  Luke Plant ||
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