On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 4:16 PM, Peter von Kaehne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chris Little wrote:
>> Peter von Kaehne wrote:
>>> We have a fair number of Bibles which are only distributable via
>>> Crosswire due to to the permissions given to us - but expanding our work
>>> into GoBible would seem like a natural extension to what Crosswire does
>>> anyway. Should we not consider
>>> a) creating GoBible modules ourselves and hosting them from Crosswire
>>> server where permissions are not there to allow others to create and
>>> distribute?
>> I don't have a problem with collaboration, but our having permission to
>> distribute content in Sword format does not imply any kind of permission
>> to distribute content in other formats. The contracts I've seen are
>> specific in identifying _Sword_ format rather than giving blanket
>> publication permission to CrossWire.
> The contracts I signed (Farsi Bibles) were unspecific non-commercial
> electronic format, but for distribution by Crosswire and my church.
> So I guess we would need to dig out all relevant agreements and see what
> is allowed and what not as it may be different for each module - which
> is what one would expect.
> Since I became aware of GoBible and David's + Jolon's work I am always
> approaching everyone with both projects in mind - which would be a lot
> easier if we simply set this out as one of the things we want to do in
> Crosswire - produce  Bible modules for all platforms - and include
> mobile phones.

We aren't platform specific here - between JSword and The SWORD
Project, we pretty much cover any system with an open development
environment available with either Java or C/C++ tools.  We are
format-specific, but that format can be taken pretty much anywhere
that the plain OSIS of the GoBible can be taken.

Which makes me wonder if the approach of maintaining the OSIS file and
creating an index to it isn't the better way to go about this, then
the import tools need only produce the indecies rather than a whole
regurgitated format.  Ah well, just some speculation.


> Peter
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