On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 12:53 PM, Matt Reimer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 9:34 AM, Greg Hellings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Manfred,
>> Where would the source for it be?  I remember you were working on
>> pulling out just an Obj-C wrapper for the SWORD library which we had
>> talked about as being possibly useful for working on the iPhone.  How
>> mature is that wrapper at this point, and how can I locate and
>> download it?  I'm once again trying to forge a path to see if GPLv2
>> apps are possible on the device (I know v3 is not workable because of
>> the application signing that Apple requires).  Since getting mine,
>> I've been very disappointed that all of the Bible programs are either
>> for-pay or have questionable quality of their modules (the only free
>> Bible app for the iPhone is put out by the people over at youversion -
>> and it requires you to have a good data connection and the quality of
>> their modules is very poor so far).
>> --Greg
> Greg,
> My plan for a first draft of a usable, offline Bible program for the
> iPhone is to use my host to dump the texts pre-rendered as HTML into
> sqlite db files, which would save me having to learn how to make an
> Obj-C wrapper, and will probably be significantly faster. We can go
> ahead and get the UI working, and later go back and use SWORD as the
> backend. Also, that wouldn't require having to work out license issues
> first.

That doesn't really avoid the licensing issues.  If you're using the
SWORD library for it, then you've got to abide by the SWORD engine's
licensing, and you also have issues with the licensing of many of the
modules if you plan to dump them like that.  If Manfred's Obj-C
wrapper for the SWORD library is functional, there's no reason that we
can't drop it straight into an application... unless the Apple
developer agreement is still to be interpreted as disallowing
open-source software.


> Matt
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