"Until you understand the details, design always sounds simple."
  --I'm sure, some famous architect near retirement.

There is a basic and practical difference between a local and a remote installation, however abstract you want to get.

Remote repositories have concepts like 'refresh from remote source' (apt-get update)

Local repositories usually aren't 'entered' in a list by a user, though I suppose they could be if it was useful. Practically there is usually 1 local source (a CD or USB drive) and the user can Browse... to the location. This is not easily replicated for remote sources. They are typically 'configured' and their configuration stored for future reference.

So, while the difference between local and remote is there, a remote FTP source and a remote HTTP source will likely be much less different. Some I can think of: We now have just added support in 1.6.0 for non-anonymous FTP, so the user can input username/password if necessary-- useful for access to a private beta repository. We have supported Passive FTP as an option. With HTTP access, we might also add HTTP proxy features. These all require frontend user preferences.

There will almost certainly be additional work for the frontends when we add HTTP support, though not as different as you fear might be.

To understand the design decisions for InstallMgr, you have to have a basic understanding of the SWORD API:

Libraries of modules are exposed as SWMgr objects.
An SWMgr object can be easily created from a local path:

SWMgr localLibrary("/path");

So for local sources, you don't need InstallMgr to obtain an SWMgr object.

InstallMgr has a new object: InstallSource which houses the configuration information for a remote source and can give back an SWMgr object which represents that remote library.

InstallMgr provides new SWMgr features useful when writing an install client like: compare 2 SWMgr objects and tell you which books are new, old, updated, etc.

InstallMgr can install TO an SWMgr. This sounded like a clever idea, as an SWMgr has the concept of a 'primary path', but in hindsite, we only will probably ever support installing TO a local directory, so this has added confusion. The use case was:

SWMgr defaultLocalSWORDLibrary;
installMgr.installModule(&defaultLocalSWORDLibrary, "D:\\", "KJV");

But this is too simplistic a use case to be practical.

Due to backward compatibility, my least favourite interface in InstallMgr is:

(for history, it used to be, at a time we only supported CD (well, local) installations:

int InstallMgr::installModule(SWMgr *destMgr, const char *fromLocation, const char *modName);
// which I don't hate


/** call to install a module from a local path (fromLocation) or remote InstallSource (is) (leave the other 0)
int InstallMgr::installModule(SWMgr *destMgr, const char *fromLocation, const char *modName, InstallSource *is = 0);

So, InstallMgr can either install FROM a local path (historically the initial impl), or remote InstallSource.

When we decide to majorly break backward compatibility for the interface cleanup and remove all deprecated methods, InstallSource will probably get a c-tor(const char *path), and the 2nd parameter will just go away.

Hope this alleviates some of your design concerns and helps you understand the historical thinking behind the decisions.


Greg Hellings wrote:
On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 11:29 PM, Matthew Talbert <ransom1...@gmail.com> wrote:
Does it require a difference (for the C++ front ends) to add support
for FTP InstallMgr methods than it does for them to add a file://
version?  It seems that, if so, this is a problem with the design of
InstallMgr.  I would imagine that the interface between SWORD and the
application would be identical in all those cases -- all the
application needs is to retrieve the information and provide a way for
the user to input new locations.  I get the impression from your
previous messages that the front ends will need to change when you add
HTTP support to the library then front ends will need to add another
portion to their install manager that allows the user to create HTTP
install locations separate from FTP or file:// ones -- is that the
The interface is different for local installations than it is for FTP
installations. For local installations, you must create an SWMgr that
points to the location of the modules to be installed, then you can
get a listing of the modules available (but you must be careful to not
augment the path with HOME/.sword or other locations or it won't
work). For FTP, it also creates an SWMgr, but it does it itself, and
exposes the list of available modules. This difference is why Xiphos
couldn't really use a local source until 3.0. No one had figured out
how it was supposed to work :)

I see -- it seems to me that method doesn't take nearly as much
abstraction as it should.  I should imagine that a client application
could simply create an InstallMgr object and pass it the string that
it ought to search for.  If the string is file://, ftp://, http://,
cifs:// or \\host or whatever shouldn't much matter in my mind.  The
URI should be parsed and the proper actions taken within InstallMgr.
Why was it done with a different class for each type, forcing the
client app to handle the parsing and take each experience differently?
 Inherently that will lead to different apps supporting or not
supporting certain of the features (the example that you just
mentioned, for instance).  If there was just the matter of "Create an
InstallMgr object, ask it what's available, tell it to install to
such-and-such a writable location" then as the library expanded
support for HTTP, SFTP, SomeFutureTP the applications would not even
need to know or care.



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