There is the Description field for long names and Abbreviation for an
abbreviated form (an alternative to using the module name in theory). Not
sure what frontends if any support Abbreviation though.

God Bless,
Multitudes, multitudes,
    in the valley of decision!
For the day of the LORD is near
    in the valley of decision.

Giôên 3:14 (ESV)

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 8:18 AM, Greg Hellings <>wrote:

> This is just a query/brain dump as an exposition on an issue which I
> believe came up on bt-devel (maybe it was here).
> The "title" of a work, as displayed by both Xiphos and BibleTime
> (still the only two SWORD applications I've used, so forgive me if I
> have left out others in my brain dump as I don't know their behaviors)
> in their list of works for download or open, is the title, verbatim,
> as it appears within the brackets on the first line of a module's
> .conf file.  As we know from the other thread, this title is very
> limited.  To quote the wiki page on conf files, "It can only contain
> A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and _."
> Now this is a very strict limitation and, to me, rather limits the
> usefulness of the title to internal representations within an
> application or engine.  For some modules, there is a natural choice
> for this field which is relatively unambiguous: ESV, KJV, YLT, NASB,
> Webster.  For others, there might be a slightly more abiguous choice:
> does "Luther" mean his commentaries, his collected works or his
> German-language translation?
> But for my own situation, there are possibly some very ambiguous
> titles that I am stuck with.  For instance, I have a few different
> works which are commentaries on the same book.  The titles might all
> be "The Book of John" and just be by different authors.  In the
> current status I am somewhat stuck with calling them things like
> "The_Book_of_John_AuthorA" and "The_Book_of_John_AuthorB".  As I said
> above, these represent great internal/developer names for these two
> works, but they aren't so user friendly.  Is there a better recourse
> for me, where I can specify a different conf value?  Something along
> the lines of
> DisplayName=Not so restrictive on characterset
> This would greatly help me, as we have both names already in place for
> the modules I'm working with so we can have manageable conf files
> names.  Of course, then I'm violating the [NAME] = name.conf directive
> of the conf files.  A real example from the set is
> SL_CM_GAL_NIG.conf:
> [The Epistle to the Galatians]
> Well, I sure don't want the user to need to figure out what
> "SL_CM_GAL_NIG" stands for, but according to the official standards
> "The Epistle to the Galatians" is not a valid conf file name.  But
> currently "The Epistle to the Galatians" is what both BibleTime and
> Xiphos display, despite the "invalidity" of the conf file.
> Is there a conf file entry akin to "DisplayName" that we already have
> and I'm just missing it? Or can we get one, even if it is optional and
> defaults to the value of [XYZ] in its absence?
> Anyway, that is my brain dump for the afternoon.
> --Greg
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