On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 9:33 PM, Troy A. Griffitts <scr...@crosswire.org>wrote:

> Don't mind changing 'core' if others don't find it useful. I hoped it would
> be intuitive with the news that's listed under it. But I'm not sure about
> 'CrossWire News' as all three columns should be in some sense CrossWire
> news. Yes?

Hi Troy,

I briefly debated that internally, and decided it was OK because it would be
more to do with "organisation" news, which is at a higher level than either
module or software news.  I of course won't make the final decision.


> Jonathan Morgan <jonmmor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 8:17 PM, Peter von Kaehne <ref...@gmx.net> wrote:
>>> On 14/02/11 02:00, Jonathan Morgan wrote:
>>> >
>>> > I'm not sure if there is any good way to improve this, but when I look
>>> > at that page it is not clear to me what those three columns mean.
>>> There is a title for each column now.
>> Thanks Peter.
>> I would suggest the following labels:
>> * CrossWire News [I don't think "Core" has much meaning to people who
>> don't know much about CrossWire].
>> * Module Library [capitalised library for consistency].
>> * Software [consistent with the Software label on the top tab bar].
>> Thoughts?
>> Also, at the moment the headings seem not to be strongly attached to
>> anything.  It would be nicer if they were much closer to the top of the
>> column [Disclaimer: if my nit-picking gets a bit much, I think it is already
>> a great improvement on what was there before].
>> Jon
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