Hi Johan,

On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 6:40 PM, Johan Marais (joha...@absa.co.za) <
joha...@absa.co.za> wrote:

> Good morning,
> I hope someone could assist.
> I am busy marking up The Scriptures 2009 and I notice discrepancies with
> regards to displaying bold in BPBible and The SWORD Project for Windows.
> I used the following (as per the OSIS manual) to show bold = <hi
> type="bold">bold</hi>, but it shows as italics.
> Portions marked as italics = <transChange
> type="added">italics</transChange>, do show correctly as italics.
> Both bold and italics show correctly in Xiphos, BibleTime and PocketSword
> on the iPhone. I should be able to test on Android within the next few days
> when I upgrade to an Android cell phone.
> Is this a problem in BPBible and The SWORD Project for Windows?

I cannot comment on the SWORD Project for Windows, but in the case of
BPBible it is a bug in 0.4.7 which has been fixed for the upcoming 0.5

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