Is you module .conf file right? does it specify RawVerse4?

God Bless,
 For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone,
declares the Lord God; so turn, and live.”
Ezekiel 18:32 (ESV)

On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 1:52 PM, Greg Hellings <>wrote:

> So I'm importing a basic module. It's in imp format with ThML markup
> sprinkled throughout. The module starts off with the following text
> and I'm importing it with the command
> "imp2vs KJV4W/SL_KJV4W.thml -4 -o KJV4W". However, when I try to read
> the module with a front end I get output that is represented by this
> odd behavior with Diatheke:
> As you can see, the output of diatheke (and Xiphos and BibleTime
> behave this way as well) gives blank content for Genesis 1:1, 2, 4, 6
> while the text of 1:1 is found, badly mangled, in 1:3. The text of 1:3
> is found stripped of all markup in 1:5, and the combined text of
> verses 1-5 is found in 1:7.
> Anyone have any idea what is going on here? The output from imp2vs
> appears straightforward enough to me, it finds each entry, adds it to
> the module and moves along to the next verse. None of those "empty"
> verses are indicating empty or near empty verse sizes in the output.
> Uhhh... what?
> --Greg
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