On Jan 21, 2013, at 9:23 AM, "Peter von Kaehne" <ref...@gmx.net> wrote:

>> Von: DM Smith <dmsm...@crosswire.org>
>> In the past, I've viewed the "headings" toggle as a toggle for
>> non-canonical material. But the discussion on the other thread has me 
>> wondering
>> whether intros (non-canonical) information is handled by it.
> That is exactly what I said - the headline toggle switches on everything, 
> intros and the like. 
> Now Troy says this is not how it should be and how the engine is handling it, 
> but fact is that it does so. On all modules I have tried out where I know 
> there is intro material.
> Now, my question - is there something very simple we module makers do wrong? 
> Or is there some major and overarching misunderstanding between engine 
> design, osis2mod and module makers?

Here is what osis2mod expects regarding intros and headings.

Intro to the work as a whole: not expected, and not handled.
Intro to a testament: not expected, not handled.
These intros are not ignored, but accumulated for the first write done by 
osis2mod. Hopefully it will be a book intro, but the behavior is not defined.

Intro to a book. This is everything between <div type="book"> and <chapter> (or 
<div type="chapter">, the other chapter start).

Intro to a chapter. This is a bit more difficult. The problem is that it 
occupies the space between a chapter start and verse 1. These may be a chapter 
title, or verse title, or both. Osis2mod uses markup help to distinguish these. 
Here are the rules:
o If the <title> is within <div type="section"> it is understood as a verse 
o If the <title> has a type other than main, chapter or sub, it is understood 
as a verse title.
Note, the first of these conditions determines a boundary between chapter and 
verse. If after one of these there is a title that has a type of main, chapter 
or sub. It is understood as belonging to the verse, not the chapter.

That is how the title element is decided.

> FWIW, usfm2osis.pl (and presumably usfm2osis.py) do not produce a verse or 
> chapter 0 div but produce div type intro or something similar.

Note, when the chapter start is seen an inChapterIntro is set. And when one of 
the above is met, then inChapterIntro is cleared and inPreVerse is set.

So, the div type of intro is not directly taken into account.

There is another part to preVerse determination:  whether interVerse material 
falls with verse n (where n >= 1) or verse n+1. (This does not apply to the 
division between chapter start and first verse).

Basically, after the </verse> (or equivalent) is found it looks for start, end 
and empty tags. As long as end and empty tags are found, it is seen as 
belonging to the prior verse. Otherwise it is seen as the next verse. This 
applies to the division between chapter and first verse and to one verse and 
the next. But it does not apply to stuff after the last verse of the chapter 
(such as colophons). That is appended to the last verse.

Hope this helps.

In Him,
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