On Jan 21, 2013, at 10:07 AM, "Troy A. Griffitts" <scr...@crosswire.org> wrote:

> OK, to clear this up technically.
> setIntros() turns on and off the versification extra 'slots':
> TSTMT BK CH:0 - chapter intro
> TSTMT BK 0:0 - book intro
> TSTMT 0 0:0 - testament intro
> 0 0 0:0 - module intro

As noted, not all these are handled by osis2mod, but only book and chapter 
intros. Someday, I'd like direction to add module and testament intros.

> This has nothing to do with filtering tagged content (In the engine)
> __________________________________________
> setGlobalOption("Headings", "On"|"Off")
> This will tell the filter set to turn on/off showing anything considered a 
> section heading.  This used to only be pre-verse titles (e.g., "The Sermon On 
> The Mount")-- as DM has pointed out. (Relatively) Recent changes have 
> expanded this to be any content 'pre-verse'-- not just stuff in a <title> tag.

This is a problem. It should not toggle the entire pre-verse div, but only the 
titles (title element and its content) and other text (presumably 
non-canonical) contained in it. It should not filter the structural tags. The 
filtering of those structural tags is the problem mentioned in the thread 
"Vertical Whitespace."

> I can see conceptually how these can easily get blurred.  It was much easier 
> to see the difference when "Headings" was limited to titles like "The Sermon 
> On The Mount".  I don't like seeing these when I am reading through the text. 
>  They are sometimes like "spoilers" in a movie, e.g., "The Death of King 
> Saul"  I usually turn these off when I am reading.  On the other hand, when I 
> am flipping through my printed Bible, I value these to help orient me to 
> about where I am.  Intros were seen as lengthy book or chapter introductions 
> frequent in printed study Bibles.  Now that "pre-verse" material can be 
> lengthier than simply a section heading, it does blur the lines a little.

I'm still confused. When verse 0 is requested (regardless of what type of intro 
it is), Peter notes that it is affected by the headings render filter. I'm 
pretty sure that the material in it is not marked pre-verse.

It seems to me that verse 0 is always non-canonical and should be toggled by a 
"not canonical" render filter.

> Anyway, just wanted to technical state the difference between the two 
> mechanisms.
> Troy
> On 01/21/2013 03:23 PM, Peter von Kaehne wrote:
>>> Von: DM Smith <dmsm...@crosswire.org>
>>> In the past, I've viewed the "headings" toggle as a toggle for
>>> non-canonical material. But the discussion on the other thread has me 
>>> wondering
>>> whether intros (non-canonical) information is handled by it.
>> That is exactly what I said - the headline toggle switches on everything, 
>> intros and the like.
>> Now Troy says this is not how it should be and how the engine is handling 
>> it, but fact is that it does so. On all modules I have tried out where I 
>> know there is intro material.
>> Now, my question - is there something very simple we module makers do wrong? 
>> Or is there some major and overarching misunderstanding between engine 
>> design, osis2mod and module makers?
>> FWIW, usfm2osis.pl (and presumably usfm2osis.py) do not produce a verse or 
>> chapter 0 div but produce div type intro or something similar.
>> Peter
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