On Jan 23, 2013, at 11:02 AM, "Peter von Kaehne" <ref...@gmx.net> wrote:

>> Von: Andrew Thule <thules...@gmail.com>
>> The nice thing about when
>> repo administrators do this, is when you get a module from that repo, you
>> also automatically get the lucene index. 
> The reason that this is not done are manifold - including that sword and 
> jsword indices are different, that not all platforms have the same 
> lucene/clucene incarnation etc.
> Most users are better off not to use downloaded indices, but to create 
> indices suitable for their specific frontend. 

To add to what Peter said, this mailing list's archives have extensive 
discussion on why we don't do this and why we have done it for mobile devices 
(only PocketSword and AndBible, and specific to them only).

Also, the transfer time for a lucene index exceeds the time of a recent 
computer to build them, e.g. my laptop. As a Bible Desktop user, I'd really 
rather not transfer an index that is unusable by Bible Desktop.

In Him,

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