On Feb 19, 2013, at 7:57 PM, Nic Carter  wrote:

> Pilcrows look fun when they're red :)
> But that's not a bug. :P
> Oh, and if pilcrows could be moved to the end of the previous verse instead 
> of the start of the current verse, that would be fun :) But all good if 
> they're staying where they are ;)

In the printed text they show as a character after the verse number and 
immediately before the first character of the verse.

I've thought about adding <div type="section"> or <p> to surround these, but 
atm SWORD lib produces too much vertical whitespace.

> There was some comments about the TR markup, and it would be cool if there 
> was some more direction about what we are meant to do with them? PS currently 
> displays them as if they are another Strong's Number link and so tapping on 
> them will try to look it up in the current Strong's Numbers dictionary, which 
> fails to work and instead will always show Strong's Number 1 (ie: Alpha).
> If they're not currently supported at all, are we able to have 2 copies of 
> the OSIS and create our SWORD module from the copy of the OSIS that doesn't 
> contain these bits? :)

Here is my thought in putting them in.

When fixing the tagging of the Strong's numbers to English phrases in the KJV, 
I had to constantly refer to the TR to see the actual word. I found myself 
doing a lot of counting to find the n-th Greek word (for src="n"). Also, the TR 
module has variants in some verses. These represented choice between two Greek 
texts as to what the src="n" referenced. Sometimes the variants were words in 
one variant but no words in the other. Other times one variant had more words 
than the other. And other times they were the same length, but just different 
words. So, the src="n" was ambiguous in these verses. Adding the words from the 
TR made it unambiguous.

They certainly belong in the OSIS master text and don't have to be in the 
module. It is trivial to create a copy of the OSIS master file without them and 
use that to make a module. There is other markup in the master that is not in 
the module.

Troy has said he'd like for them to remain, but I think we need to ensure that 
the SWORD lib handles them such that front-ends works well with them.

I'm going to follow Chris' advice and prefix them as lemma.TR:. Let's see what 
that does. Can you point me to instructions on how to load a module into 
PocketSword (again)? I'm too lazy to dig for it ;)

As to direction regarding their use: not sure. Ultimately I think it forms part 
of an interlinear.

For Bible Desktop, I'm thinking of presenting it along with the Strong's 
Number. I'm not sure if I'll present the word in place of the Strong's number 
as the text for the Strong's number link, or have it as a clickable link along 
side of the Strong's Number with the the same href or have it as plain text. Or 
not show it at all (which is what I'm doing now.)

But they shouldn't be broken links.

> Other than that, seems all good?

Thanks. We'll sort this out before a release.

In Him,

> On 19/02/2013, at 9:19 AM, DM Smith wrote:
>> I think I have a ready-to-release update to the KJV. Please do one last 
>> check.
>> You can get the modules here:
>> http://www.crosswire.org/~dmsmith/kjv2006/sword/2011/kjv.zip
>> or if you want one with a different name and in raw format:
>> http://www.crosswire.org/~dmsmith/kjv2006/sword/2011/av.zip
>> Many thanks to David H for finding lots of bugs.
>> Hope to release very soon.
>> In Him,
>>      DM

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