On 6/8/2013 8:36 AM, Kahunapule Michael Johnson wrote:
On 06/07/2013 11:53 PM, Teus Benschop wrote:
When converting basic USFM, consisting of \id, \p, and \v markers
only, through the script, it says "Unhandled USFM tags: \id, \v (2
total)". Perhaps I am doing something wrong?

Perhaps. You should also have \c markers, including a marker for chapter
one (\c 1) even in books with only one chapter. The script might also be
expecting a running header (short book title) and main title for each
book. There must be at least one paragraph-type marker (\p, \q1, etc.)
before the first verse mark, but after the chapter mark.

usfm2osis.py doesn't much care what is lacking. It will process whatever it's given, without complaint.

The following snippet works fine (with only id, p, and v) and outputs no errors:

\id GEN
\p Para 1
\v 1
\p verse one text
\v 2 verse two text
\v 3
\p verse three text

But it does result in invalid OSIS since the chapter number is unknown.
Perfectly valid OSIS is produced from:

\id GEN
\p Para 1
\c 1
\v 1
\p verse one text
\v 2 verse two text
\v 3
\p verse three text

My guess would be that there are encoding errors in the input files.


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