I have renamed the module to reflect that it is the text that is called (by everyone on the internet) the 1871 Elberfelder. If you can identify the text, we would be happy to update the name to be more accurate (but not to be more vague, as you propose).

What is hopefully conveyed is that this text matches all of the other 1871 Elberfelders found on the internet, even though we know that this does not match printed 1871 Elberfelders.

I don't have any further information on the text other than that Joachim Ansorg apparently procured & produced it.


On 7/29/2013 12:03 PM, Stephan Kreutzer wrote:
Hello Sword-Developers,

I am writing to inform you that the Sword-Module you provide labeled
"GerElb1871"/"German Elberfelder (1871)" isn't the authentic text of 1871.
Among a lot of other verses, just check John 1,27 against


For more information about the digital availability of the 1871 text, see


You may either rename the module to "Old Elberfelder" (since the exact
version remains unknown) or remove it entirely in order to avoid further
confusion. If you know the source from which you guys compiled the Sword
module, please let me know. Thanks in advance!

Stephan Kreutzer

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