
In r2973, you added some handling for <hi rend="ol">...</hi> in OSIS documents being converted to plaintext that I would like to see disappear quickly and forever on account of being all kinds of bad.

First, this is not valid OSIS. rend is not an attribute on any OSIS element. Switching rend to type at least brings it closer to OSIS validity.

But "ol" is still not a valid type for hi, and doesn't conform to the standards for naming character styles in OSIS (or TEI). In both OSIS and TEI, the corresponding CSS property value is used, so it should be "overline" in either case. I see there's apparently a bug in OSIS and overline was left out of the hi types, so you'd need to use "x-overline" for OSIS (or "overline" for a corresponding TEI document).

More generally, the implementation of overline markup to plaintext handling has some undesirable features. Using the filter inserts characters into the character string to simulate a textual style with actual additional characters. I can't imagine the use case in which interleaving real character data with presentation-simulating characters is the right course of action. We don't do any sort of presentation-simulation for other hi types, but the nearest thing I can imagine to appropriate plaintext presentation would be something like markdown, e.g. *bold*, /italic/, _underline_, ¯overline¯.

\uXXXX escapes are only supported by C++11. Using this needlessly cuts off support for older compilers, which are likely to still be in use on plenty of aging platforms.

I see now that the OSIS to (X)HTML filters got support for <hi rend="ol"> back in 2011, and I would likewise strenuously advocate the removal of that in favor of support for markup that is at least valid OSIS (<hi type="x-overline">).


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