On 12/6/2013 1:56 AM, Костя Маслюк wrote:
Ok, i didn't seen that.
I only see that it confusing for now, event in one repository there is
different solutions, Description is that in english that in module language.
I see that english fields for non-english modules are helpful for
developers and module maintainers and useless for end users.

No, there is one system in use and it provides fallbacks for backward compatibility.

The basic (un-localized) version of each field is the fallback form, which will work with every Sword front-end ever produced, going back to the 1990s. (If you dug up & built Cheetah, there would be some Unicode display issues, but the basic version of these fields would be the version it would pick.)

By default, every front-end should (and, without requiring any changes, would) select the basic version for display in all instances.

Ideally, front-ends should inspect the user's locale setting and use that to select a better, localized string whenever it is available. So, if a user's locale is set to en_US and the front-end needs to display the About text, then the front-end should first look for About_en_US, then About_en, then About, and display whichever one it finds first.

We can discuss here the list of fields that could be localized: History,
About, Description. Localized module name, it looks good idea to me. but
it should be in suffixed entry.

There is really nothing to discuss. From the first line of the Wiki section:
"Those .conf fields that are essentially text intended for presentation to the end-user may be localized by appending _locale to the field name, where locale is replaced by an appropriate locale code, according to BCP 47."

Text fields may be localized. Non-text fields may not.

About, Abbreviation, Description, Copyright fields, History_x.x, etc. can be localized. (A localized module name would be a localized Abbreviation field.)

Anything with a controlled vocabulary, such as Version, Lang, SwordVersionDate, Feature, Direction, SourceType, Versification, BlockType, ModDrv, GlobalOptionFilter, or DataPath, cannot be localized.


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