Hi Jeffrey,

There is literally no possibility that any characters in the 1611 KJV have not already been encoded in Unicode. Don't concern yourself with fonts at all. You don't need to make your own font. And we will not distribute fonts with modules. Your only concern in this area is encoding in Unicode, using the correct characters.

Once you have a document created in some standard format (OSIS or USFM) or just a very regular text file that we can convert to OSIS, compiling a module is trivial. It requires one command line call to the appropriate module creation tool. (So ignore people who say something is "a bit compilcated" followed by an admission that they've never done it.)

We don't have a 1611 KJV text for you to work with. If we did, there would already be a 1611 KJV module. So if you take this on, the bulk of your work will probably be in creating the text (via OCR, keyboarding, or some other method of procurement).


On 12/14/2013 5:15 AM, David Troidl wrote:
The character thorn can be found in the Latin-1 Supplement block of
Unicode: Þ
I would suggest investigating the Latin Extended blocks.  There are many
fonts that support them.  You may find exactly the characters you are
looking for.

You could also check with the Medieval Unicode Font Initiative:


On 12/13/2013 8:51 PM, Israel wrote:
If you wanted to do this you would need an appropriate font.  You may
have to actually make a font.  I suggest using fontforge as it is free
(as in freedom, as well as no cost).
depending on your platform this could be extremely easy to install, or
you may have to go to the website to download it.
This work would be helpful if someone wanted to make the Tyndale's
version true to the original (as it has some errors, such as the
problems with "them" and other words that are mainly contained in an
archaic symbol).

Making a module is a bit complicated as of right now.  But I am sure
someone can provide you with some scripts to make easier. Though I
have never made a module, so that is just my outside opinion

On 12/13/2013 06:39 PM, Barnes, Jeffrey wrote:
Hi Swordsmen,

One thing I’ve been hoping to see is someone interested enough to
make a KJV 1611 module. I like the version for a few reasons, like
the natural flow of the text, it’s poetic nature is beautiful to me,
and the Reformation principle of clarity is followed imho.

So since the Sword project doesn’t have a 1611 module yet, I’d like
to investigate what’s involved in making it.

One thing is that to be true to the 17th century printing, the
alternate spellings of the text would have to be followed. The
typeface used in the facsimiles I’ve found is a Gothic black letter
face. I don’t want to use that, because it would make it unduly hard
to read, especially on mobile and computer screens. I think one would
need to use a roman, perhaps sans face for readability.

But the roman faces that are used to render the text don’t use glyphs
like the long ’s’, the ‘thorn’, the rotunda ‘r’, etc. I think those
are important visual cues to the reading of the text. So if I would
write a parser, it would replace the roman text source (probably
ascii range code points) to replace glyphs with unicode according to
the printing rules of the era.

Is this work happening currently?

If so, could I help?

If not, where could I get a text source? I’ve seen facsimile
renderings with roman parallel renderings, but they are a page at a
time. It would be good if there was one or two files already with the
roman characters.

After the parser, then there’s the work of making it a module. Where
can I find a procedure for doing that? Is it a manual process?

I haven’t started any work yet, just thinking.

Any help appreciated.

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