No, we don't have this information. There are very few translations for which this type of data would be accurate, and almost all of those simply use the KJV versification (or the NRSV/GNT versification). Almost all translations with non-KJV/NRSV versifications vary in slight and idiosyncratic ways.

We could likely create this data and reliably map between the KJV(A), NRSV(A), MT/Leningrad, and *maybe* the Luther versifications, because those are based on individual documents. Even those mappings would not necessarily be reliable for other translations that claim to use those systems.


On 1/9/2014 7:50 AM, Teus Benschop wrote:
In the SWORD library, in the source tarball, in the include folder,
there are many canon_*.h files.
I am looking for verse mapping information.
This is information that maps equivalent verses across different
translation based, not on verse numbers, but on actual content. For
example Gen 31:55 in most English translations maps to Gen 32:1 in the
Hebrew editions.
My question is whether the SWORD library has this information also,
Thanks, Teus.

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