On 02/03/2014 12:42 PM, Jaak Ristioja wrote:
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The LICENSE file states the following:

The SWORD Project is (c) 1994-2006 The CrossWire Bible Society, under the
terms of the GNU GPL, as stated below.

NOTE: The text of the GNU GPL license is copyrighted by the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., but The SWORD Project is copyrighted Corporately under:

                 CrossWire Bible Society
                 P. O. Box 2528
                 Tempe, AZ  85280-2528


Does that mean the the tarballs and the SVN code are under the GPL 2
or not? If they are, why this strange and confusing addition to the

All Sword code, including but not limited to tarballs & code in SVN, is licensed under GPL 2.

The note indicates that all of the text below the bar (the GPL itself) is copyrighted by the FSF, which is also true.

Does that clear up your confusion?


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