On 02/03/2014 01:38 PM, Kahunapule Michael Johnson wrote:
To the best of my knowledge, there are no Bible book name errors in the
OSIS files I generate. There might be some ambiguity in the
interpretation of book names for Daniel and Esther from the Greek
Septuagint vs. the fragments that only contain the parts that the Hebrew
Bible lacks. If I'm mistaken (which is entirely possible), please tell
me which books are in error, and what the current and proper spellings
are. Then I can fix them.

(To the best of my knowledge...) There aren't any errors with the book naming you use. There are some variations in naming between the way you've named things and the way we've named things. It's not your responsibility to fix or address this. An example would be the Epistle of Jeremiah: Is it Epistle of Jeremish chapter 1, Epistle of Jeremiah chapter 6, or Baruch chapter 6? In our NRSVA versification, we call it Baruch 6, I think you call it Epistle of Jeremiah 6.

Chapter numbering of books in the Apocrypha is a bit of an enigma. I can
renumber Psalm 151 to be chapter 1 of the book AddPs. How are chapter
numbers in the fragments of Daniel from the Septuagint (Bel & the
Dragon, etc.) that aren't in the traditional Hebrew Bible handled in
Sword? What about Esther? What is your recommended best practice for
these? In real life, these don't start at chapter 1, either. Or, perhaps
it may be better to skip these and just include the whole books of
Daniel and Esther from the Greek (i.e., essentially those from the
LXX2012 as a first draft)?

IIRC, Bel, Susanna, & the Prayer of Azariah all have one chapter and are almost always printed without any kind of chapter enumeration (like Philemon or Obadiah).

Esther's chapters are sticky, but they have an enumeration, even if they're supposed to appear out of order. We can't deal with the out of order issue. If a versification has 'Additions to Esther', like the KJVA, then the protocanonical chapters all have 1 verse, which should be left empty, and the deuterocanonical chapters should be enumerated as they appear in the text. If a versification has 'Greek Esther', like the NRSVA, then the whole text of Greek Esther is expected and there are verse slots for each verse.

I've been contemplating stripping noncanonical section titles from the
OSIS files that I generate, because I get the feeling that SWORD can't
properly handle these if they happen midverse (and the frequently do),
and that it isn't likely to change in the near future. What do you think?

We build modules from your sites from USFM, so what you do with OSIS doesn't affect us.


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