I think those items are all the data definitions.

I've run into errors like that before. If you are buildings Sword itself as
a DLL, you need to define the macro SWUSINGDLL while compiling the C++
bindings code for it all to work. I forget exactly how you change setup.py
to make it do that, though, but have a look here:

God Bless,
 For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone,
declares the Lord God; so turn, and live.”
Ezekiel 18:32 (ESV)

On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 11:02 AM, R Johnson <
ps16thypresenceisfullnessof...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I also tried changing the command in step 3 ("setup.py build") to use
> libsword.lib rather than sword.lib by replacing the lines in the setup.py
> file:
>     setup(name='sword',version='1.7.3',
>     libraries=[('sword')],
> with:
>     setup(name='libsword',version='1.7.3',
>     libraries=[('libsword')],
> but I got the same errors that I did when I tried renaming sword.lib to
> libsword.lib.
> I have attached the output from setup.py containing the errors, and would
> appreciate any ideas as to what is causing them. I'm a SWIG newbie, but
> could the errors mean that the SWIG interface (.i) files are missing the
> definitions of certain functions/attributes? (I really don't know what
> "unresolved external symbols" are, so this stuff is over my head.)
> -- Timothy
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