Warning: Long preamble before asking for advice. I’m really looking for advice 
or concurrence.

For Strong’s numbers in the KJV we used a 2000 copy of Maurice Robinson’s TR. 
(It is available via the Internet Wayback Machine at byztxt.com 
<http://byztxt.com/>, which no longer exists).

Robinson’s work marks variations between Stephens and Scrivener.

Since 2000, the file has been updated, correcting errors in the variants and 
improving the mapping of the Greek to Strong’s numbers. This most recent work 
can be found at: https://sites.google.com/a/wmail.fi/greeknt/home/greeknt 
<https://sites.google.com/a/wmail.fi/greeknt/home/greeknt>. The file is 

I’m in the process of updating to the new version.

I have compared it to the 2000 version and the 2000 version to the TR module 
that was used for the KJV2003 work and they agree with regard to the Greek. 
There are some minor differences regarding the handling of variants.

A few years ago, I update the KJV module to handle variants properly. Earlier, 
we had included the Strong’s numbers for the variant that wasn’t part of the 
tagging. This was a manual effort of a few hundred verses.

In analyzing the differences between the 2000 version and the latest version, I 
was seeing odd-ball stuff that I hadn’t noticed before. It was present in the 
2000 version.
A) Occasionally there is a Strong’s number of 0. I still haven’t figured out 
what that means. In the last round I pitched them as invalid Strong’s Numbers.
B) there are variants of Strong’s numbers and morphology that are not marked.
C) Some Greek words are compound, having two or three Strong’s numbers and one 
D) In this round, I also figured out that verbs have Strong’s numbers that are 
part of Robinson’s morphology as links to the root verb form. (Last round I 
pitched them as invalid Strong’s numbers)

The basic assumption we had previously was src, lemma, and morph had values 
that formed parallel arrays. These findings don’t fit with that.
The question is how should we handle these 4:
A) Strong’s number 0. I’m inclined to pitch these as not having value.
B) Variants of Strong’s Numbers and Robinson’s morphology.
These are of the form: greek word, Strong’s Number, {Robinson’s Morphology}, 
Strong’s Number, {Robinson’s Morphology}. I’ve broken these into 3 groups:
Same word, different morphologies:
Book    Chap    Verse   Pos     Content
Matt    26      45      10      καθευδετε 2518 {G5719} {V-PAI-2P} 2518 {G5720} 
Matt    26      45      14      αναπαυεσθε 373 {G5731} {V-PMI-2P} 373 {G5732} 
Matt    27      9       11      ελαβον 2983 {G5627} {V-2AAI-3P} 2983 {G5627} 
Mark    14      41      8       καθευδετε 2518 {G5719} {V-PAI-2P} 2518 {G5720} 
Mark    14      41      12      αναπαυεσθε 373 {G5731} {V-PMI-2P} 373 {G5732} 
John    1       9       10      ερχομενον 2064 {G5740} {V-PNP-ASM} 2064 {G5740} 
John    5       39      1       ερευνατε 2045 {G5719} {V-PAI-2P} 2045 {G5720} 
John    15      18      6       γινωσκετε 1097 {G5719} {V-PAI-2P} 1097 {G5720} 
Gal     3       7       1       γινωσκετε 1097 {G5719} {V-PAI-2P} 1097 {G5720} 
Col     3       24      14      δουλευετε 1398 {G5719} {V-PAI-2P} 1398 {G5720} 
Heb     13      23      1       γινωσκετε 1097 {G5719} {V-PAI-2P} 1097 {G5720} 
Jas     2       24      1       ορατε 3708 {G5719} {V-PAI-2P} 3708 {G5720} 
1John   4       2       3       γινωσκετε 1097 {G5719} {V-PAI-2P} 1097 {G5720} 
1John   5       1       19      αγαπα 25 {G5719} {V-PAI-3S} 25 {G5725} 

Book    Chap    Verse   Pos     Content
Matt    4       15      1       γη 1093 {N-NSF} 1093 {N-VSF}
Matt    4       15      4       γη 1093 {N-NSF} 1093 {N-VSF}
Matt    4       15      11      γαλιλαια 1056 {N-NSF} 1056 {N-VSF}
John    21      15      15      τουτων 3778 {D-GPM} 3778 {D-GPN}
Acts    4        9      10      τινι 5101 {I-DSM} 5101 {I-DSN}
Rom     8       28      8       παντα 3956 {A-APN} 3956 {A-NPN}
1Cor    2       13      15      πνευματικοις 4152 {A-DPN} 4152 {A-DPM}
Jas     4        5      11      το 3588 {T-NSN} 3588 {T-ASN}
Jas     4        5      12      πνευμα 4151 {N-NSN} 4151 {N-ASN}
1Pet    1        6      2       ω 3739 {R-DSM} 3739 {R-DSN}
2Pet    2       19      9       ω 3739 {R-DSM} 3739 {R-DSN}
2Pet    2       19      13      τουτω 3778 {D-DSM} 3778 {D-DSN}
Rev     3       17      9       ουδενος 3762 {A-GSN-N} 3762 {A-GSM-N}

Different Strong's numbers, same morphology:
Book    Chap    Verse   Pos     Content
John    6       19      5       εικοσιπεντε 1501 {A-NUI} 4002 {A-NUI}
1Cor    10       8      12      εικοσιτρεις 1501 {A-NUI} 5140 {A-NPF}
2Tim    2        6      5       πρωτον 4412 {ADV-S} 4413 {A-ASN-S}
Rev     5        8      11      εικοσιτεσσαρες 1501 {A-NUI} 5064 {A-NPM}
Rev     5       14      9       εικοσιτεσσαρες 1501 {A-NUI} 5064 {A-NPM}

Should we pitch the variant or include it? We’ve not marked up variants of the 
attributes before. How would we represent that? I’m of the opinion that we 
should pitch the second variant. I’ve analyzed the verbs and it seems that the 
first matches the translation.

Note, that Jas 4:5 has a matter of article, noun agreement being identified. το 
πνευμα is either 3588 {T-NSN} 4151 {N-NSN} or 3588 {T-ASN} 4151 {N-ASN}. 
Similar thing in a few other verses. The choice of a variant in one verse may 
affect the selection of another variant in the same verse. Can’t mix and match.

C) Compound words
Book    Chap    Verse   Pos     Content
Matt    7       20      1       αραγε 686 1065 {PRT}
Matt    17      26      12      αραγε 686 1065 {PRT}
Luke    2       37      6       ογδοηκοντατεσσαρων 3589 5064 {A-GPN}
John    21      11      15      πεντηκοντατριων 4004 5140 {A-GPM}
Acts    11      18      10      αραγε 686 1065 {PRT}
Acts    17      27      7       αραγε 686 1065 {PRT}
Heb     3        6      13      εανπερ 1437 4007 {COND}
Heb     3       14      6       εανπερ 1437 4007 {COND}
Heb     6        3      4       εανπερ 1437 4007 {COND}
Rev     7        4      7       ρμδ 1540 5062 5064 {A-NUI-ABB}

Should we represent these as a single word having multiple Strong’s numbers, 
breaking the notion of parallel arrays? Or repeat the Greek word and the 
morphology for each of the Strong’s numbers? That is, is src= indicating the 
word or the Strong’s number?

I think the most interesting one is the last, which is 144, but in the KJV is 
"an hundred and forty and four”. This is badly marked up as:
        hundred1540 <gdef:G1540>, ρμδ A-NUI-ABB <gmorph:A-NUI-ABB> and 
forty1540 <gdef:G1540>, ρμδ A-NUI-ABB <gmorph:A-NUI-ABB> and four1540 
<gdef:G1540>, ρμδ A-NUI-ABB <gmorph:A-NUI-ABB> 
This is implemented via x-split because of the added word and.

Visually, it should probably be:
        hundred1540 <gdef:G1540>, ρμδ A-NUI-ABB <gmorph:A-NUI-ABB> and 
forty5062 <gdef:G1540>, ρμδ A-NUI-ABB <gmorph:A-NUI-ABB> and four5064 
<gdef:G1540>, ρμδ A-NUI-ABB <gmorph:A-NUI-ABB> 
And not (since it is one underlying word):
        hundred1540 <gdef:G1540>, ρ A-NUI-ABB <gmorph:A-NUI-ABB> and forty5062 
<gdef:G1540>, μ A-NUI-ABB <gmorph:A-NUI-ABB> and four5064 <gdef:G1540>, δ 
A-NUI-ABB <gmorph:A-NUI-ABB>

D) Strong’s numbers used for Morphology codes.
In Robinson’s morphology Strong’s numbers that are > 5624 are used for 
morphology. These are the old TVM codes. These are links to the real entry.
In each case, it is a reference to the root morphology of the verb.
For example (I’ve added G as a prefix and {} to surround for clarity):
καθευδετε 2518 {G5724} {V-PAI-2P}
The {G5724} has the following:

What should we do with them? I don’t think these are of value.

Many thanks!

In Him,

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