I tested Fredaw with bibletime, it's the same problem, maybe it is a problem in the module?

Le 20/06/2016 19:47, Karl Kleinpaste a écrit :
On 06/20/2016 06:37 AM, Fr Cyrille wrote:
But now my question is how Xiphos can notice that images are in the content?
When preparing the content for the HTML widget, Xiphos looks for <img> tags, anticipating the possibility of resizing to fit the widget pane. The first time that Xiphos notices <img>, it creates the option and sets it on. You can turn it off and on thereafter.

On 06/20/2016 10:39 AM, David Haslam wrote:
I conform that the module option for images does not appear after navigating
to a sample of keys from Karl's list.
Um... I just hand-edited my ~/.xiphos/modops.conf, took out everything for FreDAW (to make Xiphos think it's not been seen before), restarted Xiphos, and brought up FreDAW's "commerce" entry. There is a map there (images/3.jpg). Works fine...in Linux.

And then I tried the Win32 version. No joy. Weird, because images work fine in Win32 for Bibles, commentaries, and genbooks (look at LuthersWorks, for example). I haven't any idea how a lexdict module can be a special case here.

I have some debugging to do. And I am behind.

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