Hi Team,

Yes, we need to drop support for older devices. I tried as hard as possible to 
keep comparability but it wasn't worth the effort in the end, for the tiny 
number of devices out there.

Also, I will be checking email in about 2 weeks to catch up on SWORD things, so 
I will read older list emails about PS then.

Finally, there is an updated version of PS src out there that I haven't had 
time to merge with the official src... I hope to do that at the same time as 
looking at the mailing list. Off the top of my head, it fixes the install mgr 
memory leak & search bug in PS, with other things? I had to undo some of the 
other fixes in the official src because it seemed to (unless these were already 
there & were finally exposed with the other changes?) introduce new bugs in 
various components of the app.

Have fun, ybic
Nic :)

Sent from my phone, hence this email may be short...

> On 22 Sep. 2016, at 04:44, Manfred Bergmann <manfred.bergm...@me.com> wrote:
> Hi Tim.
> I thought actually I had updated libcurl (build for 64bit and latest 
> versions).
> Also I had updated MBProgressHUD to the latest version.
> I can’t remember for which OS version libcurl was build.
> I would not go back to 5.1 with compatibility as overall this means a higher 
> work on maintenance.
> And you can’t use any new features of the OS.
> For anyone still using iOS 5.1 the current PocketSword app should still work?
> Manfred
>> Am 20.09.2016 um 22:59 schrieb TS <outofthec...@icloud.com>:
>> I've been going through the code and making fixes, and in the process XCode 
>> has warned me that libcurl is for version iOS 6 and higher and also I've 
>> discovered that MBProgressHUD was also written for iOS 6 and higher. It 
>> seems that the external frameworks were updated from the previous release of 
>> PocketSword. So, is the lowest version supported iOS 6 now? or is it still 
>> 5.1.1 and I can ignore the warnings? If 5.1.1 should still be supported, do 
>> all of the newer frameworks still work with this version of the iOS or does 
>> compatibility need to be tested between iOS ver. 5.1.1 and the newer 
>> frameworks (and workarounds be implemented if need be)?
>> - Timothy
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