On 2017-11-29, 14:23 GMT, Greg Hellings wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 8:13 AM, Cyrille wrote:
>> That's for sure, but not enough (from my point of view).  
>> What's you experience of gitlab?

(I am the leader of the M2Crypto revival project hosted on 
https://gitlab.com/m2crypto/m2crypto/ )

My experience is very good. There are some moments of 
instability, but they are rather rare and I don't remember when 
was the last time I couldn't do something because of problems 
with the server.

It is true that GitHub has still more features than GitLab, but 
I really don't see anything which I would be missing. It seems 
to me that GitHub is firmly moving into the area of creeping 
featuretitis when it adds features which are available 
elsewhere, just to get better lock-in (in-GitHub Slack, 

Three features which for-free GitLab has and GitHub will 
probably never have:

* private projects; it could be particularly interesting for 
  some of our Biblical modules, which need to be developed in 
  private before shared;

* export between different GitLab hosts; not sure how well it 
  works with GitLab.com, one would probably have to ask support 
  for help, but the fact is that whatever data you enter into 
  GitHub (aside from the code itself) is more or less forever 
  locked there. I have participated in couple of efforts to move 
  a project out of the GitHub and it was never good experience, 
  and there was always a significant data loss.

* CI on dedicated machines; not sure if anybody cares here.


http://matej.ceplovi.cz/blog/, Jabber: mcepl<at>ceplovi.cz
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