Hi Tuomas,

Peter and I built the NT module. This is already something noted in my tasks 
We are already aware that the complete Bible is now published by Biblica and 
that printed Bibles are being distributed in Kurdistan.
Even so, thank you for the helpful reminder.

Thank you for pointing out the omission in our .conf file. In 2012, this may 
have been intentional, given the sensitivity of the region back then.

It will require further collaboration with our established contact to obtain 
the latest source text for this translation and (if necessary) to re-obtain 
permission for this to be distributed by CrossWire. In fact, I did write to him 
exactly 12 months ago on this subject. He replied immediately, but I guess that 
he has since been too engaged with other matters to take it forward yet.

All of us in CrossWire are unpaid volunteers who have to fit these tasks into 
our busy schedules and prioritise them relative to other demands upon our time.

Best regards,


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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On 15 April 2018 6:03 PM, Tuomas Airaksinen <tuomas.airaksi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm interested to know who is responsible for creating Sorani bible module, 
> i.e. http://www.crosswire.org/sword/modules/ModInfo.jsp?modName=Sorani . Conf 
> file does not indicate that.
> The reason is that I know that there is nowadays also old testament available 
> in Sorani language, but our module does not include that yet. Youversion app 
> does. I guess it would be possible to fix that to our module too.
> --
> Best regards
> Tuomas
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