osis2mod still defaults to KJV. From the SVN logs, that hasn’t changed. BTW, 
osis2mod doesn’t care about a conf.

If Peter built it, perhaps Peter’s scripted calls to osis2mod default to -v 
NRSV and didn’t catch that your conf was explicit. 


> On Jan 2, 2019, at 9:07 AM, David Haslam <dfh...@protonmail.com> wrote:
> Ah - but when I submitted the updated module PolUGdanska for release, the 
> .conf file specifically included
> Versification=KJV
> so there's still no accounting for your observation of the two extra verses.
> Unless, of course, when Peter rebuilt the module using osis2mod, he actually 
> used -v NRSV in the command line,
> or unless, perhaps, he's using a user-compiled version of the Sword utilities 
> in which the default v11n has already been changed to NRSV,
> even though this was merely mooted tentatively in the wiki page as being a 
> potential candidate for default v11n.
> Notwithstanding, the command line should always match the v11n when it's 
> specified in the .conf file.
> Aside: Whenever I build a module, I'm constrained to using the most recently 
> downloaded utilities for Windows (or earlier).
> I never compile any programs from source.
> Best regards,
> David
> Sent with ProtonMail <https://protonmail.com/> Secure Email.
> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> On Wednesday, 2 January 2019 13:47, DM Smith <dmsm...@crosswire.org> wrote:
>> When osis2mod creates a module it uses its default v11n is used unless the 
>> user specifies a v11n. That v11n is used to lay out the index files and fill 
>> them with 0s. This is done before any of the input file is read. That index 
>> in the files listed have the number of verses in the NRSV not the KJV. If I 
>> understand correctly, the length of the index files don’t change once the 
>> module is created.
>> DM
>>> On Jan 2, 2019, at 4:30 AM, David Haslam <dfh...@protonmail.com 
>>> <mailto:dfh...@protonmail.com>> wrote:
>>> I'm rather puzzled by one section of DM's observations....
>>> DM wrote:
>>> The CrossWire Bible modules that have a visible NT problem having 2 extra 
>>> verses: (All are KJV, but maybe should be NRSV av11n)
>>> HebDelitzsch
>>> PorAlmeida1911
>>> PolUGdanska
>>> Shona
>>> TurHADI
>>> As the submitter for PolUGdanska, I can confirm that KJV is the correct 
>>> v11n for this module.
>>> There were no APPEND warnings when the module was made with osis2mod.
>>> IIRC the NRSV av11n splits Rev 12:17 and 3John14 each into two verses.
>>> I do not think that any of these 5 modules do that, though I've not checked 
>>> the other 4.
>>> These 2 extra NT verses that NRSV has relative to the KJV are therefore not 
>>> the cause of DM's reported problems here.
>>> A different explanation should be sought.
>>> Aside: Even some modules built with v11n=NRSV omit Rev 12:18 (e.g. ESV2011).
>>> Aside: The NRSV also moves Romans 16:24 to a different location.
>>> NB. I do not understand how there can be any "extra verses" in a module if 
>>> there were no APPEND warnings from osis2mod.
>>> Best regards,
>>> David
>>> Sent with ProtonMail <https://protonmail.com/> Secure Email.
>>> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
>>> On Tuesday, 1 January 2019 18:22, DM Smith <dmsm...@crosswire.org 
>>> <mailto:dmsm...@crosswire.org>> wrote:
>>>> I’ve found an oddness in some Bible and commentary modules. (They share 
>>>> the same storage mechanism).
>>>> For each module there’s an index file for the OT and for the NT. Even many 
>>>> single testament modules have an index file for the other testament.
>>>> The index file has a slot for every verse in the testament. Intros for the 
>>>> Bible, Testaments, books and chapters are treated as verses and have slots 
>>>> in the index.
>>>> When the module is created, the indexes are initialized to all zeros, 
>>>> indicating that there is no data. When a verse is written to the module, 
>>>> the verse’s slot in the index is updated to point to the verse.
>>>> So for a versification, each index has a fixed size.
>>>> For years, I’ve noticed a debug statement from JSword indicating that some 
>>>> indexes have a different size than expected.
>>>> So for the last couple of days, I’ve been debugging the problem. Quite a 
>>>> few OT are a verse short. For the most part these modules are NT only, but 
>>>> a few are missing Malachi 4:6. Some NT have two more slots in the index.
>>>> The Bible modules that have a visible OT problem, not having the last 
>>>> verse of the OT:
>>>> DanDetteBiblen (Xiphos)
>>>> FarFLB (Xiphos)
>>>> JapMeiji (CrossWire)
>>>> Mg1865 (CrossWire) Looks like all of Malachi 4 is appended to 3:18
>>>> PolBibTysia (Xiphos)
>>>> The CrossWire Bible modules that have a visible NT problem having 2 extra 
>>>> verses: (All are KJV, but maybe should be NRSV av11n)
>>>> HebDelitzsch
>>>> PorAlmeida1911
>>>> PolUGdanska
>>>> Shona
>>>> TurHADI
>>>> The CrossWire commentary module DTN seems to be really bad. The NT index 
>>>> file is way too long. Looking at the module content,  I find lots of 
>>>> verses that are present but w empty content. I find verse 0 for many 
>>>> chapters is filled with wrong content.
>>>> The CrossWire Bibles that have the short OT index, but it isn’t really a 
>>>> problem because the module doesn’t have the OT or only has part of the OT:
>>>> ArmEastern
>>>> Chamorro
>>>> Cro
>>>> CzeB21
>>>> Est
>>>> GerAlbrecht
>>>> GerGruenewald
>>>> GerTafel
>>>> GerTextbibel
>>>> Leeser
>>>> ManxGaelic
>>>> SweKarlXII
>>>> Tyndale
>>>> VietLCCMN
>>>> Vulgate_HebPs
>>>> Wulfila
>>>> Wycliffe
>>>> The following CrossWire commentaries also have a non-problematic short OT 
>>>> index:
>>>> MAK
>>>> Spurious
>>>> VietLCCMNCT
>>>> In Him,
>>>> DM
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