On Sat, 2019-01-05 at 09:07 -0500, DM Smith wrote:
> There are several parts to this:
> The email is published the moment that the module is put in mods.d
> and module.

No. It is published on conclusion of a bunch of things - see below

> Daily mods.d.tar.gz is rebuilt with the listing of mods.d.

I trigger that myself immediately after uploading a new module 

> The module is zipped when a user requests the download via the
> website’s listing of modules.

I drop a zip into the right place, bypassing that need. 

> The indexes for PocketSword and AndBible are built on a daily basis.

I push the zip into the right place too. 

> The module sizes are updated into the conf daily.

That is done by the cron scripts still, yes

> The host and guest repositories are synchronized daily.

That seems to happen occasionally, not daily for the modules and has
not happened for the indices for a long time - several months. 

> Front end users only know of the module when they refresh their
> module listing.

Unless they listen into our mailing lists. Also, I tend to put out a
news item on Facebook and Server News page if I upload a significant
update or a totally new module - but this has become a bit hit and miss
with the delays 


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