> On Mar 17, 2019, at 8:48 PM, Nathan Phillip Brink 
> <ohnobi...@ohnopublishing.net> wrote:
> Hi Karl,
> On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 07:47:22PM -0400, Karl Kleinpaste wrote:
>> On 3/17/19 2:44 PM, Nathan Phillip Brink wrote:
>>> It sounds like you’re trying to render XHTML using an HTML parser.
>> If there is a way to make WebKit /*not*/ operate in an XHTML mode, I'm
>> not aware of it.
> Sorry, I may be going a bit off-topic by pursuing this.
> I am quite sure you are running WebKit in HTML mode and not XHTML
> mode.
> I don’t have an easy way to directly test WebKit per se. But I can
> demonstrate what I am describing and have tested it with Midori-0.5.11
> which claims to be WebKit. The following also works in any modern
> browser (IE, Edge, Firefox, Chrome, or Mobile Safari to name a few).
> I have defined CSS rules which set anything with a class of div2 to be
> green and used it for both of the following files. In each file, I
> have text, an empty div div1, more text, an empty div div2, and more
> text. Each empty div uses the self-closing syntax “<div/>”:
> HTML: http://cdn.ohnopub.net/cdn/binki/sword-devel/xhtml-vs-html/index.html
> http://cdn.ohnopub.net/cdn/binki/sword-devel/xhtml-vs-html/index.xhtml 
> <http://cdn.ohnopub.net/cdn/binki/sword-devel/xhtml-vs-html/index.xhtml>

I noticed that not only did you have the xml pre-processor as the first line
<?xml version="1.0”?>
But you also had the namespace declaration for xhtml.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml”>

Is the later necessary to put the parser into XML mode?

Are either really needed if you are delivering it with a 

In Him,

> If you visit the first link, then WebKit is reading the markup using
> an HTML parser. This causes the behavior you describe of self-closed
> “<div/>” tags being treated as equivalent to opening “<div>”
> tag. The resulting document tree has the trailing text inside div2,
> making it green. If you visit the second link, then WebKit is reading
> the markup in XHTML (XML) mode because Content-Type is set. This
> causes it to parse it as an XML document and then render the resulting
> DOM as a second step. The resulting document tree has the trailing
> text after div2 as a direct descendent of body. Thus the text is not
> part of div2 and does not become green.
> The HTML parser is special and you are seeing the effects of using an
> HTML parser to parse XHTML instead of using an XML or XHTML parser to
> parse XHTML.
> HTML does not have a self-closing tag syntax. For elements which would
> normally be self-closed in XML/XHTML such as br and link, it relies
> instead on a list of void elements which the parser itself knows
> about: https://www.w3.org/TR/html/syntax.html#void-elements . Whenever
> it encounters one of these elements, it immediately closes it out in
> the document tree and doesn’t give it any children.
> The HTML parser is required to basically ignore the forward-slash in
> “<div/>” or “<br/>”. This was intended to allow websites to slowly
> transition to XHTML if proper care was taken. The result is that
> “<div/>” will be treated the same as “<div>” when using an HTML
> parser to parse the file. See rule 6 regarding SOLIDUS at
> https://www.w3.org/TR/html/syntax.html#start-tags and 0x2F under step
> 4 at https://www.w3.org/TR/html/syntax.html#get-an-attribute .
> If you want to get the expected results, you should either process the
> XHTML into HTML before feeding it to WebKit or set WebKit to parse the
> file as XHTML instead of HTML.
> -- 
> binki
> Don’t forget to check for missing or extraneous apostrophes!
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