In the Bible, some translations the Psalm titles stand before verse 1. This is 
how the KJV does it. Other translations have it as verse 1.

osis2mod tries to identify whether a title that stands before verse 1 should be 
a chapter title (i.e. verse 0) or should be a verse title (i.e. verse 1). And 
it marks up titles in a fashion that SWORD engine expects. Dumping the module 
using mod2imp, will show how well or badly this was done.

I think the problem here is the order of elements. So rather than <title><verse 
sID/>…<verse eID/></title> use <verse sID/><title>…</title><verse eID/>.

The attribute canonical=“true” is supposed to tell the SWORD engine to always 
show the title. I think there are still problems with that. So, try turning 
Headers on, when you don’t see them.

In Him,

> On Mar 31, 2019, at 5:13 AM, Cyrille <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm working on a text with canonical Psalms titles. When I convert it from 
> usfm to osis I have this result:
> <div type="subSection">
>         <chapter sID="Ps.3" osisID="Ps.3" n="3"/>
>         <title>Invocazione mattutina del giusto perseguitato</title>
>         <p></p>
>         <!-- d -->
>         <title type="psalm" canonical="true"><verse sID="Ps.3.1" 
> osisID="Ps.3.1" n="1"/>Salmo di Davide quando fuggiva il figlio 
> Assalonne.<verse eID="Ps.3.1"/></title>
>         <lg>
>           <l level="1"><verse sID="Ps.3.2" osisID="Ps.3.2" n="2"/>Signore, 
> quanti sono i miei oppressori!</l>
>           <l level="1">Molti contro di me insorgono. <verse eID="Ps.3.2"/></l>
> Is it correct? Because Bibletime doesn't display it 
> <>.
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