I'm trying to install modules with installmgr on the command line. I seem
to frequently run into issues with it silently dumping the files somewhere
where they don't actually exist, and it's happening again. But I think I've
narrowed down some of when it happens:

I currently have a /etc/sword.conf that points to /usr/local/share. In that
folder there are locale.d, mods.d, and modules folders, but the folder is
not writable. This works as expected, installmgr downloads the files then
tries to write them and says it failed and suggests it might be my

So I set SWORD_PATH to ~/.sword. I run installmgr init, sync, update
CrossWire, and try to install KJV. Now I get an attempt to write the files
- the kjv.conf gets written into mods.d, but the data files are nowhere to
be found. No errors, either. Debugging is telling me it's trying to write
them into ~/.sword/modules/texts/ztext/kjv, and it successfully creates the
modules/texts/ztext folders, but nothing below that. Not the "kjv" folder
and no data files. So now I try setting SWORD_PATH to
~/.local/share/sword. Same result as before.

Once I comment out the entries in /etc/sword.conf, all is well! I get my
files AND my folder structure. But only when SWORD_PATH is set to
~/.local/share/sword/. No luck under ~/.sword/. It still misbehaves.

With SWORD_PATH set to ~/.local/share/sword/, I try running installmgr sync
again after deleting my ~/.sword directory. It's writing files to ~/.sword
still. This is despite the debugging telling me "Checking $SWORD_PATH...
found(/var/home/ghelling/.local/share/sword)". Yes, I know the folder path
is odd but ~/ is /var/home/ghelling on Fedora Silverblue.

If I'm setting SWORD_PATH to ~/.local/share/sword, then shouldn't
installmgr also honor that path for downloading its files? And shouldn't
installmgr be able to write the data files to ~/.sword in the first case?

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