We have Strong's numbers in the OSHB. I assembled the books into a single file and put the lemmas in SWORD format. I could send it to you, if you want. It is 3.76 MB zipped.


On 4/6/2021 10:25 AM, DM Smith wrote:
That was the basic idea that David I-B described for the codes. This is akin to Robinson’s Greek Morphology codes, where a skilled reader wouldn’t need the expansion but at first.

If a map were made between Thayer and these codes, then we could apply them to the KJV(A). We might be able to map OSHB to the KJV(A) if we have Strong’s numbers in both.


On Apr 5, 2021, at 11:35 AM, David Troidl <davidtro...@aol.com <mailto:davidtro...@aol.com>> wrote:

We have Hebrew morphology codes, https://hb.openscriptures.org/parsing/HebrewMorphologyCodes.html <https://hb.openscriptures.org/parsing/HebrewMorphologyCodes.html>, that are applied in the OSHB module and interpreted by the OSHM module. Those could certainly be applied to the KJVA.


On 4/5/2021 10:19 AM, DM Smith wrote:
These are coded to Thayer’s. These have no corresponding module. I’ve had discussions with David Instone-Brewer about creating a morphology for Hebrew and mapping them to Thayer's so that we can replace the one with the other. That was years ago and hasn’t come to fruition.

DM Smith

On Apr 5, 2021, at 9:30 AM, Tuomas Airaksinen <tuomas.airaksi...@gmail.com <mailto:tuomas.airaksi...@gmail.com>> wrote:


KJVA has hebrew morph definition tags such as <w morph="strongMorph:TH8804">. I wonder from which dictionary these morph definitions should be looked for?

Related to: https://github.com/AndBible/and-bible/issues/835 <https://github.com/AndBible/and-bible/issues/835>

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