Thanks Michael, yes, I also feel we need to not swim against the Google
flow.  The problem is that the Google flow seems to turn at each new
release of Android.  Be assured, my goal is to find a common means for
us to share a single install of SWORD modules and to do it the way
Google wants and for as many versions of Android as practical.


I've had no trouble writing to /sdcard/... from our C++ code, as long as
I don't write to the root of /sdcard/.  My change from /sdcard/sword to
/sdcard/Documents/sword/ works fine on Android 11.

Can you give /sdcard/Documents/sword/ a try?  You can grab my exact C++
code from the cordova plugin if you have trouble.

static void init(JNIEnv *env);

On 9/13/21 10:32 AM, Tobias Klein wrote:
> Dear Troy,
> We should certainly align on the directories and keep it simple.
> However, starting from Android 11 Google makes it really hard for us
> due to the "Scoped Storage" concept, see
> I couldn't figure out a way to write to /sdcard any more in my C++
> context on Android 11.
> As a consequence at the moment I am not using /sdcard from Android 11
> anymore, but only the private app folder.
> For Android < 11 I am using */sdcard/sword*, but for Android >= 11 I
> have completely disabled this including the permissions request for
> I wonder whether there is still any way to still use /sdcard/* in
> Android >= 11 in the C++ context ... I haven't found a solution yet
> and it seems rather complicated.
> Best regards,
> Tobias
> On 9/12/21 3:51 PM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I've been updating Bishop to work on newer versions of Android and have
>> found that we are running into problems trying to create the
>> "Nonstandard top-level folder" 'sword' at the root of the common storage
>> folder.
>> Tobias, I know a while back you mentioned that you had to update Ezra
>> for Android recently, but it has been a long while since we talked about
>> it and I'd like to know if you've had any updated thoughts on what
>> you're doing there.
>> Any other mobile Android devs have any thoughts.
>> For now, I have updated our cordova plugin (and thus Bishop) to check
>> and if possible use paths in this preferred order:
>> "/sdcard/Documents/sword"
>> "/sdcard/sword"
>> ((
>> app).getApplicationContext().getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath();
>> And we are augmenting modules from AndBible:
>> "/sdcard/Android/data/"
>> ... but I'd prefer not to do this any longer, once we all agree and
>> implement storing files in a common location.
>> Any thoughts?
>> Troy
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