Hi Zdenko,

I use the git-svn bridge plugin for Git which will let you 'clone' the svn repository to a local git repository and do work as you would normally do in git.  If you have svn permissions for a particular part of the svn repo, you will be able to push back up.  We have access distributed to different individuals with write permission for particular parts of the svn repo, e.g., localizations, examples, build system, filters, tests, bindings, etc.  If you would like permissions to make changes directly for a particular section of the repo, please let me know and I am happy to grant if appropriate.  Otherwise, you can always send patches to patc...@crosswire.org for review and one of us with permissions can commit your changes or ask for updates before committing.

Hope you are well,


On 10/9/21 10:15, ZdPo Ster wrote:

On Tue, 5 Oct 2021 at 23:47, Greg Hellings <greg.helli...@gmail.com> wrote:

        ·*Share* the code, preferably using a method you all are used
        to using

    The official SVN is where all the magic happens. Most of us are
    happy to work in a git mirror while something matures and then
    eventually shine it up to get it submitted to Troy for inclusion
    in the SVN.

Is there any official git mirror?
https://www.crosswire.org/sword/develop/index.jsp refers only to svn...

Potentially: how to submit a patch?


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