This is coming late to it, but would it be feasible to create an additional 
option _in the engine_ which _drops_ the Biblical text?

The practical result would be what you are looking for, but the mechanics would 
not be a search but in essence a complete print-out of the required section, 
simply without the text. And I think that might be faster for this purpose. 

We have made basically every single feature of the text toggable, but for the 
actual text and this would add that option. 

The immediate downside I can see to my thought that this would add a test and 
decision to every actual Print-out and make the engine in its normal work a 
fraction slower. Which might be acceptable or not….

Troy, is this a daft thought?


Sent from my phone. Please forgive misspellings and weird “corrections”

> On 6 Jan 2022, at 16:41, Tobias Klein <> wrote:
> Hi Troy,
> I have started looking again into extracting book headings, so that I can 
> generate a book outline in Ezra Bible App even when looking at individual 
> chapters only. I had stopped looking at it when I was not successfully 
> generating a Windows build any longer last year - but I could fix that, so 
> now the work continues.
> I based my code on your example findHeadings.cpp.
> It seems like the list of extracted headings is not complete, though.
> When running this with the module GerNeUe and the book Acts I find that the 
> headers returned are only section headers, but not chapter headers. Could you 
> have another look based on the example and GerNeUe/Acts and advise?
> I have attached a list of headers that I get from the Bible text of 
> GerNeUe/Acts - just for reference.
> Best regards,
> Tobias
>> On 4/12/21 9:07 PM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
>> Sure Tobias,
>> module->getEntryAttributes() will allow you to pull the headings from a
>> verse, and
>> an Entry Attributes search for '/Heading' will give you only the verses
>> with Heading entries attributes.
>> I've thrown together a quick example here, which you can use with
>> something like:
>> ./showHeadings NASB Matt-John
>> which will give you the headings from the Gospels.
>> Creating this example, I found I needed to fix a bug in the engine.  The
>> engine Entry Attributes search lets you search for values in the entry
>> attributes (e.g., a Strong's number 1234).  In your use case, when
>> searching, you don't care about the value; you only care about
>> presence.  This wasn't working, but simple presence can now be searched
>> for with my latest commit.
>> Hope this helps,
>> Troy
>>> On 4/12/21 9:31 AM, Tobias Klein wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have been getting a request from a user to render section headings 
>>> independently of the currently opened bible translation module.
>>> So for example when opening the KJV still using the section/chapter headers 
>>> of the NASB.
>>> This would be useful in those cases when the respective bible translation 
>>> module does not come with section/chapter headers, but another one does.
>>> A requirement would be to efficiently extract section/chapter headers from 
>>> a module using the SWORD API. As of now I only see that you can iterate 
>>> over the verses of a book and individually scan each verse for the headers. 
>>> Is there a more efficient way of doing that?
>>> Another use case could be to render a book outline. This is what I am 
>>> already doing now in Ezra, but in a way that is not so clean (I am 
>>> traversing the DOM looking for all section header elements of the current 
>>> book).
>>> Best regards,
>>> Tobias
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