FYI: based on this thread, I submitted the following as an [enhancement] to
the Bibletime tracker.

If you develop a front end, consider that the 'attic' is only present for
(some) crosswire modules.. and the process of recovering an updated module
isn't exactly user friendly, and could be handled better in All front ends.

----- snip -----

[ENHANCEMENT] Local Attic #407

Recent LXX "update" included new content, but also apparently bugs. (see

It would be NICE if Bibletime locally saved the older versions on update,
then provided a "There is an older version of this module available...
click to revert" functionality for at least a few days, maybe up to about
90. After that keeping files present that aren't used is just bloatware.

While the crosswire attic is possibly available, keeping older versions
present for (90?) days after an update might provide better functionality,
especially in areas where internet is not always available or safe, and the
attic repo isn't really intuitive for someone who finds problems.

----- snip -----

On Wed, Aug 31, 2022 at 9:23 AM pierre amadio <>

> Hello.
> I suppose you should be able to find the 2.5 version in the attic
> repository.
> Would it be possible to get more information about the issues you found ?
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