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On 27 Oct 2022, at 19:28, ZdPo Ster <zdpos...@gmail.com> wrote:


As I got a strong suggestion to use the TEI as the format for the dictionary I face the problem of how to test the created module.

For example:
wiki (https://wiki.crosswire.org/TEI_Dictionaries) suggest to use for Internal references this:
<xr type="see">See: <ref target="self:key">key text</ref></xr>

<ref target="StrongsGreek:427">427</ref>
I tried to avoid 'hardcoding' a module name in the dictionary, so I used
<ref target="self:00427">427</ref>
but it does not work (in Xiphos) - maybe I got it wrong.

In The TEI Guidelines (https://tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/ko/html/DI.html) I found this example:
<ref target="#locution">s.v. <term>locution</term></ref>
so I tried:
<ref target="#00427">427</ref>

And - it does not work... After try and test I found variants that works ('strongsgreek_sk.tei' is name of my test module):
<ref target="strongsgreek_sk.tei:00427">427</ref>
<ref target=":00427">:427</ref>
<ref target="427">427</ref>
<ref target="00427">427</ref>

I am not sure if this is a problem with the frontend or the library or my module, so I am looking for a way to test tei formatting without needing to test various sword frontends...

Also I am not sure if somebody is interested in these findings/experiences (where to report it?).

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