Just this week I was trying to install a few modules on a new (Mac) system.
Install went off flawlessly according to the installmgr tool, but nothing
was actually installed until I manually created the mods.d and modules
directory under the ~/.sword folder. The tool manually created the
~/.sword/InstallMgr folder, but not the target installation folders.

Not sure if these are symptoms of the same bug or not.


On Sat, Nov 12, 2022, 04:03 Tobias Klein <cont...@tklein.info> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have observed a bug with regard to SWORD module installation.
> I just tried to update existing modules by "installing them again" using
> InstallMgr::installModule().
> I ended up with a situation where the installation apparently finished
> ok based on return codes, but then I found the following:
> The *.conf files in the mods.d directory are still present, but the
> module contents under modules/texts/ztext are actually removed for the
> modules that I tried to update.
> Has anyone seen this behavior before? Is there an explanation?
> The modules are then still listed as installed, but there is no content ...
> I have seen this before at various times with individual modules, but
> did not report it. Now that I have this bug at a larger scale (for a
> bigger list of modules I tried to update) I felt like it's worth reporting.
> Best regards,
> Tobias
> PS: I have been using SWORD SVN Rev. 3873 (from Nov. 2021).
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