Important typo:

- We could set option values from the source to the destination, I suppose, but 
still that would give you what you want.
+ We could set option values from the source to the destination, I suppose, but 
still that WOULDN'T give you what you want.

On October 29, 2023 11:21:12 MST, "Troy A. Griffitts" <> 
>Hi David,
>On October 29, 2023 10:52:50 MST, "David "Judah's Shadow" Blue" 
><> wrote:
>>The next class at play is the library class that also has a private member
>>sword::SWMgr swordLibrary;
>This is the issue. Since you are declaring an instance of SWMgr here, it will 
>get constructed in your library class c-tor with its own set of module and 
>filter, etc. objects. Then in setSwordLibrary you assign that fully 
>constructed local instance to a reference to the instance you newed outside.
>SWMgr is a factory object and assigning one factory to another doesn't equate 
>to a clear action. We could set option values from the source to the 
>destination, I suppose, but still that would give you what you want. I would 
>suggest changing this swordLibrary property of your library class to a 
>pointer. Then things should work as you expect.
>Hope this helps.
>>and a setSwordLibrary(), method,
>>void Library::setSwordLibrary(sword::SWMgr &library) {
>>    this->swordLibrary = library;
>>it also has the method in question getModuleList,
>>std::list< std::string > Library::getModuleList(std::string moduleType) {
>>    std::string module = "";
>>    sword::ModMap::iterator libraryIterator;
>>    std::list<std::string> moduleList;
>>    std::string selectedType;
>>    std::string modType;
>>    std::string bible = sword::SWMgr::MODTYPE_BIBLES;
>>    std::string comentary = sword::SWMgr::MODTYPE_COMMENTARIES;
>>    std::string devo = sword::SWMgr::MODTYPE_DAILYDEVOS;
>>    std::string book = sword::SWMgr::MODTYPE_GENBOOKS;
>>    std::string dict = sword::SWMgr::MODTYPE_LEXDICTS;
>>    if(moduleType == "bible") {
>>        selectedType = bible;
>>    }
>>    else if(moduleType == "commentary") {
>>        selectedType = comentary;
>>    }
>>    else if(moduleType == "devotion") {
>>            selectedType = devo;
>>    }
>>    else if(moduleType == "book") {
>>            selectedType = book;
>>    }
>>    else if(moduleType == "dictionary") {
>>            selectedType = dict;
>>    }
>>    else {
>>            //We should never get here but you never know.
>>            module = "Invalid type";
>>            moduleList.push_back(module);
>>            return moduleList;
>>    }
>>    for(libraryIterator = this->swordLibrary.Modules.begin();
>>        libraryIterator != this->swordLibrary.Modules.end();
>>        libraryIterator++) {
>>        sword::SWModule *tempMod = libraryIterator->second;
>>        modType = tempMod->getType();
>>        if(modType == selectedType) {
>>            module = "For ";
>>            module += tempMod->getDescription();
>>            module += " select ";
>>            module += tempMod->getName();
>>            moduleList.push_front(module);
>>            module = "";
>>        }
>>    }
>>    return moduleList;
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