On 12/11/23 5:47 PM, pinoaffe wrote:
First of all, the phrase "Words added for modern readers, where in the
original the meaning was implied", doesn't account for the case where
words were changed rather than added

In general, I think rephrasing these tooltips as full sentences would be
preferrable, e.g. something along the lines of

- (added) "These words were added in translation" or
- (added) "These words do not directly correspond to words in the source text"
- (amplified) "These words are amplifications of information in the source text"
- (changed) "These words were changed in translation"
- (deleted) "Some words in the source text are not present in the translation" 
- (deleted) "Some words in the source text do not directly correspond to any words 
in the translation"
- (implied) "These words were added or changed to translate information implied by 
the source text" or
- (implied) "These words were added or changed to translate information implied by 
(but not explicitly stated in) the source text"
- (moved) "These words were moved in translation" or
- (moved) "These words were in another location in the source text"
- (tense-change) "The gramatical tense of these words was changed in order to 
facilitate translation"

I have just changed <https://github.com/ezra-bible-app/ezra-bible-app/pull/976/commits/85d46304cbd17e856b4c9302467f9fd6719a71c5> the English text of the tooltips based on your suggestions.

These texts are the base for translations that are pending for the next release (in January).

Thank you once more for your help on this!

Best regards,

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