On Sat Jan 20, 2024 at 7:18 PM CET, Aaron Rainbolt wrote:
> It appears that the Ezra Bible App can only be installed using
> upstream packages for a select group of popular Linux distributions
> currently. It would be handy for users to be able to install it by
> using widely available repositories such as the Snap Store and
> Flathub. I'm fairly skilled at software packaging for distros (though
> I haven't done Snap or Flatpak before - I'm interested in learning how
> though) and am thinking about trying to make Snap and Flatpak packages
> for Ezra Bible App.

Given that Snap really works only on Ubuntu (AFAIK, certainly it
does work neither with Fedora nor with openSUSE), then I would
hugely prefer Flatpak.



http://matej.ceplovi.cz/blog/, @mcepl@floss.social
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  -- Blaise Pascal

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