Hi all,

Ezra Bible App 1.13 has been released. This release comes with bugfixes and small enhancements as well as a new Slovenian locale.

Note-worthy improvements and fixes are:

 * Slovenian locale (thanks Marjan Šavli)
 * Add support for selecting verses based on pressing Shift key
 * Copy verses to clipboard including html formatting
 * Dictionary use without keyboard
 * Put transChange meta data in html title attribute to make it readable
 * Add buttons for copying verses from translation comparison panel to
 * Add ability to switch tag group within tag statistics panel
 * Fix: Greek Strong's parsing broken with StrongsGreek version 2.0
 * Fix: Saving current tab configuration not working on Android exit,
   but only on pause

Locales are up-to-date for English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Slovakian, Slovenian, Romanian, Ukrainian, Russian.

Thanks to Martin for the Slovakian locale update.
Thanks to Marjan for the Slovenian locale update.
Thanks to Tom for the Dutch & French locale update.
Thanks to Augustin for the Romanian locale update.
Thanks to Reinaldo for the Spanish locale update.
Thanks to Evgen for the Ukrainian and Russian locale updates.

I am happy about any feedback.

Best regards,
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