
I don't know much about catholic bibles or sword, but just out of
curiosity: would your use-case be served if canon_catholic.h was
modified to increase the verse counts in Esther to 39, 23, 22, 47, 29,
14, 10, 41, 32, 14?  Or would the decreases in verse counts in other
chapters of other books also be necessary?

And would such a change be acceptable to others?

The catholic bibles I've encountered "in the wild" are the dutch
Willibrordvertaling of 1975 and the neovulgate.  Both of these appear to
follow canon_catholic3.h everywhere except in Esther, where they have 16

I think at some point it would be nice to have per-book versifications
or some other way to deal with bibles that don't follow a "standard"
versification, but for now we'll have to make do with what we got

Kind regards,

Fr Cyrille <fr.cyri...@tiberiade.be> writes:
> Hello,
> Recently a person interested in the Catholic bible in French told me
> about the mapping problems between Catholic versification and the kjva
> concerning Esther. So I'm bringing up the question of a new Catholic
> versification that could better deal with this kind of problem and at
> the same time incorporate some of the errors in current Catholic
> versifications. I should mention that two versifications for French
> Bibles have been added since my proposal for a new Catholic
> versification, which was made long before these versifications were
> added, and which was not favorably received at the time. In our case,
> the number of Bibles that follow this versification is simply
> enormous, since the majority of Catholic Bibles do. I would also add
> that the LXX versification is not entirely correct. There are no LXX
> today that put 16 chapters to Esther. Ralph's already uses letters to
> integrate Greek passages into the text.
> In fact, Catholic versification simply follows Ralph's. So I suggest
> that we seriously reopen this question with concrete suggestions.
> For my part, the suggestion is simple: convert the numbers in the
> Greek passages into verses and offset the numbered verses in the same
> chapters. I'll copy you on what that might look like.
> Br Cyrille
> [2. text/x-chdr; canon_catholic3.h]...
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