Hey everyone,

I added a new patch to Ticket #50 that resizes the editor without losing 
edits in progress. This was r671 by [EMAIL PROTECTED] in sapling, 
and I added a little part to save user prefs using xmlhttprequest and 
the old resize link.

I'm sending this to the group because right now there's no way (that I 
know of) to get notification of changes to bug reports (aside from the 
opening and closing of bugs).

on Trac's Trac, they have reports that sort tickets by last modified 
date (#20-25) <http://trac.edgewall.org/report>

Could we get this functionality on the sycamore trac?


Philip Neustrom wrote:
> Wow, that's bad functionality! I think it's just how Trac works?..hm
> --Philip
> On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 12:01 AM, Paul Ivanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hey Philip.
>> not sure if it's because you specifically disabled it, but Timeline in Trac
>> does not show ticket changes (I updated #50 with a patch, but that didn't
>> show up on the timeline).
>> Anyway, just wanted to let you know, since I'm not sure how you get
>> notification, and the previous patches I created new tickets for, and those
>> *do* show up on the timeline.
>> cheers,
>> Paul
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